Thursday, February 28, 2013

noms on wheels

so i have vacation on the brain... because, well, remember?  i live here:

this means i'll have lots to share about the trip over the next week.  i'm putting together a road trip mix so you can listen to some of the jams steve and i will be playing on our 13 hour drive south (though i hate to break it to you, it will not be a 13 hour mix).

we are leaving crazy early in the morning and are really trying to get through the nasty winter weather when the roads are quiet which means we'll need some tasty snacks in the car with us!  if you are planning on road tripping anytime soon here are a few things we are planning on packin' for snackin'!

1.  a big thermos of homemade frappucino!
we'll need caffeine, obviously, but those starbucks bottles are such a rip-off!  

1 cup extra strong black coffee cooled 
3/4 cup 2% milk cold
3 tbsp sugar (or however much to taste)
1/2 tbsp vanilla
combine shake and be awake!

2.  breakfast bagels
while sitting in a car, we will clearly need to carbo-load.  i'm picking us up at half dozen asiago cheese bagels from panera and keeping some onion chive cream cheese in the cooler!  yum and yummier!

3.  crusty baguette sandwiches
arugula, honey mustard, chicken, and muenster anyone?

here's a pro-tip: the best honey mustard your money can buy

4.  snackables:
pitted kalamata olives

and in case you mistook me for somebody classy:
fruit roll ups // gushers // fruit by the foot
doritos (cool ranch for steve, nacho cheese for me)

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