Thursday, March 14, 2013

seeing green!

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one of my self-indulgent goals to work on this spring is getting a little practice with my (not so) green thumb!  fresh, growing plants are one of my favorite ways to see a room come to life.  many of my favorite design bloggers have been giving me spring fever with their amazing posts filled with beautiful indoor plants!  Oh Happy Day has an adorable DIY post today for planting wheatgrass in painted terra cotta pots, and A Beautiful Mess featured their homemade honeycomb shelves decked out in fresh cut flowers and assorted succulents.  I mean what's not to love?

I decided that it's high time i stopped dreaming and started looking into what kind of plants to start keeping around the house this spring!  here are a few of my picks!

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1.  fresh herbs.  i love decor that serves a purpose, and i think there is no better way to get the most out of plants than picking ones you can eat! my sister and i had fresh herbs planted on our porch last year and it was such a great idea!  we both used them all the time in our cooking!  this year i'll be planting fresh basil, thyme, and cilantro!

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2.  the snake plant.  as a true beginner to keeping up house plants (well other than our herb garden, but we kept that on the porch) the snake plant sounds perfect.  house plant care websites describe it as "one of the hardest to kill."  sounds right up my alley!  it only needs moderate light and watering once a week! i think the ombre blade-like leaves make it a very attractive plant, and best of all, the snake plant cleans the air in your home by reducing co2 at an accelerated rate.  it also rids the air of formaldehyde and benzene. win win!

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3.  catnip.  assuming i can keep bert away from it, i think i'm going to try growing him some fresh catnip.  he is pretty amusing to watch when he's had a little and it's so overpriced to buy in the store.  the plant also blooms with pretty little purple flowers and acts as a powerful insect repellent!

add a vase of fresh cut daffodils to start out and i'll graduate to tulips when they're more seasonal!  how are you going to freshen up for spring?


  1. I love going to the grocery and getting fresh flowers. It totally freshens everything up.

    Someday I hope to grow a lot of lavender and maybe when we move to somewhere that isn't half in the basement of a building, I'm putting more plants out!

  2. Those are such nice flowers!
    I love having flowers in my house! It brightens the mood and keeps the air clean!

  3. AH I need to incorporate fresh herbs in my house. It's so good when cooking. But, unfortunately I don't have the proper access to sun in my apt where a plant would thrive

  4. i am not much of a green thumb at all i even have succulents dying on me at my house. i would love to have more greenery inside and outside if i knew how to keep planets and flowers alive!

  5. Really cute plants.


  6. ooohhh this reminds me.. i need some for my office cubicle! :D

    Click me for my NEW BLOG

  7. We grow our own herbs chilli's some greens here it saves one a ton of cash .

    xo Meg

  8. I wish I had green thumb as well!
    Maybe follow each other's via facebook? Kiss

    New post on Tati loves pearls

    Tati loves pearls facebook page

  9. I struggle to keep plants alive but luckily the BF has a serious green thumb. I love having fresh herbs in the summer, specifically basil and mint. They're both pretty easy to keep and I had a ton of fun thrifting for cute planters!

  10. I need to start buying plants, too. I have all of the pots, but no plants yet!

  11. I wish I had a green thumb, but I totally do not! This post makes me inspired to work on it, though! Thanks for stopping by the blog! xo, Julie
