Thursday, July 2, 2015


tralala summer's here, hard to believe it's nearly a year since steve and i moved down to texas.  things lately consist of much happiness.  steve and i both had four day work weeks, which is a pretty big deal for me since it means i actually had a work week because of my new job.  you might be able to tell from the balloons and big smile that it's a pretty awesome addition to life.  austin is definitely still my fave but i'm starting to warm up to life in houston (rightly so, it was 95 degrees today).

i have to admit, i'm still not complaining about the heat.  i don't miss winter one little bit.  for the most part lately we've been soaking up summer, hanging out poolside, taking day-trips to waterfalls, starting a routine, and chilling with our local pals (oh my god friends.  we have them here!  hoorah!)

we've decided that we'll be renewing our lease, which means we will finally be breaking the pattern of moving every single year! GAHH!!  in light of this we will be purging the apartment hard and hopefully making it a sane place to live (or at least as sane as 750 square feet can be).  i spend a lot of time on zillow checking out houses in metro austin.  i'm kind of obsessed with texas guys.

for now though houston is doing pretty well by us.  it kind of feels like we're hitting our stride and in a direction i'm excited about.  and the way there is a ton of fun lately.  i can't oversell it guys:  we're always happy to have visitors!  we can promise lots of fun!  all we need is a little less rain i think.

most exciting is our plan to travel up north this fall to visit friends, see a football game, and celebrate our anniversary (wait already, seriously?).  yesss we are headed up north starting labor day weekend and are planning a great trip between michigan and wisconsin!  i super can't wait for the cross country road trip where we can actually share a car!

otherwise we are celebrating our lease renewal with a deep clean and decor change... we'll see how it all turns out.

xoxo - b

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