Monday, January 28, 2013

winter is for pizza and being comfycozy

it could be from my crappy oven, but has anyone else noticed the trader joe's pizza dough needing WAY more time to cook than the bag says?  and a tremendous amount of wateriness pooling on top while the pizza cooks?

excuse my frightening hair.

these were our noted failures while we attempted to make homemade pizza last night, but we had lots of fun making it, and it was still tasty (if only half-cooked).  fortunately I bought 2 extra balls of dough from trader joe's (it was my first time there and I might have gone a little overboard).  we will be trying again later this week.

apparently i wear a lot of blue stripes
my more successful creation was finished yesterday as well.  i am now the proud owner of the warmest, softest, coziest scarf ever knitted by me (or possibly anyone in the universe).

i always hate starting the work week, but hopefully a toasty warm neck will help me forget that i'm not in bed. happy monday!

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