Monday, March 11, 2013

a few more vacation pictures

getting our noses back to the grindstone has been very very time consuming and busy.  sadly this means i'm holding out lots of vacation photos on you, but i will be getting things posted as soon as i can!  here's a little preview: our first day (aka 15 hours in the car).  not a lot of interesting shots from day one, but i swear the good stuff is coming!

don't worry though, i've got a fun little announcement for you very soon.  just need to get my ducks in order before i spread the news, so check back soon!


  1. Such great pictures!! xo, Julie

  2. These are amazing vintage pieces! There is nothing wrong in appreciating old treasures like those! I was raised in South Carolina. It's cool to see you took a little road trip! Thanks for sharing! Xo, M at
