Tuesday, March 12, 2013

i'm opening a vintage store!

i am a bit of a hoarder at heart.  i have always loved collecting things ever since i was a little kid.  my brother used to religiously collect licence plates and i remember wanting to buy literally everything i could see at the flea markets we would stop at on the hunt for licence plates.  when it came time for me to furnish my first apartment, steve and i went antiquing and i just loved looking through all the junk and the treasures.

i have been getting such good feedback on the vintage finds i track down on etsy i recently made a decision.  i love decorating interiors and finding steals on incredible antiques.  remember when i said i had a little announcement yesterday?  well i have officially opened up a vintage shop on etsy!  merchandise will be added as i find great vintage pieces that i know would look great in someone's home.

to visit the shop visit this link or just click on the "shop" tab at the top of this page.  so what do you think?  this is a big project i'm really looking forward to, but i need your help!  what's your favorite item in the shop?  what kind of vintage items would you like to see me sell in the future?  below are some of the deals i have listed already.  stop by and let me know what you think!

1950's recipe tin $14

1920's wood cigar box $25

1970's milk glass vase $7

1970's stoneware sugar bowl and creamer $15


  1. Congratulations!! You have found some nice things.

    Ali of


  2. That is so exciting! You do find great things.

  3. Congrats that's so awesome , I'm sure it will be a phenomenal success.

    xo Meg

  4. This is so fun! I can't wait to see what you find and sell!


  5. omg! Wow, that is awesome!Congratulations!
